0033/2015 - Updating and simplifying the manner in which schools can maintain pupil enrolment and attendance records (Clárleabhar, Leabhar Rolla and Leabhar Tinrimh Laethúil) following the introduction of the Primary Online Database (POD)

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The introduction of POD has further refined and simplified the arrangements for schools to maintain pupil enrolment and attendance records. Changes that will become effective from the commencement of the 2015/2016 school year and listed in DES Circular 33/2015 include:

  • Schools are no longer required to maintain the Clárleabhar. It is at the school’s discretion if they wish to maintain a hard copy
  • Schools no longer need to maintain the Leabhar Rolla in hard copy format. It is a matter for the Board of Management of each school to decide whether to continue maintaining the Leabhar Rolla in hard copy
  • If the school uses an electronic system for recording attendance of pupils, they may continue to use this system as an alternative to the excel version of the Leabhar Tinrimh Laethúil provided that it meets minimum requirements defined in Appendix 1 of the circular

Schools must use this POD generated Pupil ID number (not the actual PPSN) as the unique identifier when using:

  • An electronic system to maintain the record of daily attendance in electronic format
  • Maintaining a hard copy of the Leabhar Rolla.

This change to using the POD generated Pupil ID number as the unique identifier in the Leabhar Rolla or when maintaining daily attendance records in electronic format must be made for all new and existing pupils before the end of 2015.

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