Tri-nations summit, ‘Exploring System Leadership’

A Tri- nation’s summit, Exploring System Leadership in collaboration with CSL Ireland, National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales and Education Scotland will take place on Tuesday 6 June. This online, free summit begins at 4pm and lasts approximately 1 hour 30 minutes. During this time, the summit will examine shared understandings of system leadership across the three nations and offer opportunities for networking and collaboration. It will interrogate effective system leadership and its potential to drive school improvement, policy formation and enactment, and further develop leadership capacity.

Places are limited and booking is essential. Click here for more information and to book your place

External Research – Perspectives on the ‘Looking at Our Schools’ (LAOS) Framework

Primary school teacher Aideen Ahern, a second-class teacher and Assistant Principal II in North Presentation Primary School, Cork City is conducting research for a Masters in Education (School Leadership) through the University of Limerick, which aims to explore the perceptions of school leaders (middle and senior) on the LAOS 2022 policy. Primary school leaders (principals and deputy principals) are invited to take part in a semi-structured, one-to-one interview (approx. 45 minutes duration) with a member of the research team, supervised by Dr Paul Butler, school principal and tutor with University Limerick.

If you would like more information, please email Aideen at

This research study has received ethics approval from the Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee (2023-04-09). If you have any concerns about this study and wish to contact someone independently you may contact Chair Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee, EHS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Tel (061) 234101.

Webinar - Recruiting and Managing School Staff

Mason Hayes & Curran in collaboration with IPPN will be hosting a webinar on the topic of Look Before You Leap - Recruiting and Managing School Staff. The webinar will take place on Monday, 22 May from 3:30pm-4:30pm. Items of discussion will include potential pitfalls of recruitment, contracts, dealing with underperformance and possible disciplinary proceedings.

Click here for more information and to book your place

Managing an Unexpected Difficult Conversation

The final term of the school year often brings with it conflict, arguments and tensions. Many of these escalate from seemingly minor issues into managing a sudden difficult conversation for which you are unprepared. Difficult conversations at this time of the year can arise from the splitting and grouping of classes, class allocation or complaints about incidents arising with children. These may take place with staff or parents. The essential element in any conversation is preparation, but managing a conversation where emotions are high requires a calm positive response.

All communication takes place within the context of a relationship. It may not be the right time or place to have a conversation. The other person will have rehearsed what they are about to say. However, do not end a conversation like this abruptly. Reassure the person that you want to understand their perspective and seek to resolve the issue together. In order to do this, you need to give it the time it deserves. Agree a time to have the conversation. Write a script in your mind for the words you would use and become comfortable with them.

It may be something such as

“I would like to talk to you about _____ and would first like to hear your point of view, so that we can resolve this together.” Write your own script when there is no issue. Rehearse it. This gives you time to prepare for the conversation. Remember that it is not all about you and not all about the other person. It is all about achieving a balance between listening and talking.

The Communications Resource Bundle in the Resources section of may be useful in preparing for a difficult conversation. The IPPN Leadership Support Team are available also to assist and support you in this regard.

Teaching Council (Registration) (Amendment) Regulation, 2023

To assist with teacher supply challenges, the Teaching Council has introduced an amendment to the Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations. The amendment now facilitates the acceptance of applications from primary teachers who have qualified outside of Ireland but who have not completed the required period of induction in the country in which they qualified. Applications will be accepted from 22 February 2023 until 1 February 2024.

Click here for more information

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