Health & Wellbeing Survey

The third and final phase of the Irish Principal and Deputy Principal Health and Wellbeing research will take place from 11th March to 19th April, 2024. It does not matter if you have not participated in the earlier phases of the research or, indeed, if you took part in Phase 1 but did not do so in Phase 2. Phase 3 is open to all principals and deputy principals.

IPPN particularly encourages school leaders who have been appointed over the last 12 months to see this as an opportunity to benchmark their personal health and wellbeing in the early stages of their senior leadership role. For those who have participated previously, it is an opportunity to monitor progress in this area and to assess the impact of any interventions you may have tried in relation to your health & wellbeing.

Your participation in this research ensures that your voice is heard. All members are encouraged to take time from their busy schedules to partake in the survey so that IPPN can build momentum with regard to the ongoing advocacy work to improve the current reality of the practice and experience of school leadership.

A link to the survey will be shared via email and SMS on 11th March.

Revised Constitution of IPPN

At the December meeting of the National Council, a revised Constitution was ratified. A number of amendments were made.

What is different?

  • Insertion of ‘Main & Subsidiary Objects’ (mission)
  • Clarification of who is the member in an “Acting” situation
  • Removed any reference to the use of a single transferrable vote system
  • Revised timeframes for the issuing of notices and documents for AGMs & EGMs (longer period)
  • Clarified that Board members are included in the quorum for AGMs & EGMs
  • Adjusted the language regarding the co-option of an Independent Director (from “Up to 3” to “At least one”)
  • Insertion of stipulation that each committee will have specific Terms of Reference
  • Updated the bullet points detailing the role of the President to align with the role specification.

Click here to view the new version of the Constitution

Selina Carmody

Selina is an established teacher and leader with over 15 years of experience. She co-founded and became deputy principal of Wexford Educate Together National School upon graduating from Mary Immaculate College in 2008. Since the school’s establishment, Selina has overseen its growth from 20 pupils to over 200 currently. Since 2021, the school has taken part in the Educate Together Nurture Schools Pilot Project which provides targeted supports to students who are at risk of educational disadvantage, a programme which is aimed at enhancing social, emotional and behavioural skills, attendance, engagement, resilience and self-belief.

Selina relocated to the Middle East from 2012-2017, where she worked as a teacher, leader and deputy principal of a large ‘through-school,’ leading teams from pre-school to second-level. She designed and oversaw the implementation of a new national curriculum, and held responsibility for recruitment and induction of new teachers. In addition, she performed inspections and provided consultation to a network of schools in the region.

Selina completed a Masters in Leadership and Management in Education from South East Technical University in 2022, conducting a thesis on The Role of the Teaching Prinicipal. Her key areas of interest are curriculum development, school self-evaluation and the wellbeing of school leaders.

Selina was a National Council representative for Wexford for four years from 2017-2021. During this time, she provided support and networking opportunities for newly appointed deputy principles who had recently completed the ‘Tanaiste’ programme, as well as establishing a Deputy Principles’ Support Group in Wexford.

Selina was co-opted to the IPPN Board of Directors in 2022, and is currently part of a pilot project to provide coaching and mentoring to newly appointed Deputy Principals.

Professional Guidance - The Revised Parental Complaints Procedure (PCP)

What is the status of the PCP?

The PCP is an agreement between INTO and the various School Management Bodies in relation to procedures to be followed in the event of a parent wishing to make a complaint against a teacher.
What is IPPN recommending to school leaders in relation to the Revised PCP?
Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb!!

It is suggested that school leaders:

  • bring the Revised PCP to the attention of all stakeholders of the school community through the website, the Parents’ Council and BoM
  • encourage all stakeholders to discuss it and to be prepared to use it in a reasonable and constructive manner, adhering to the procedures and stages
  • ask the BoM to adopt the Revised PCP as school policy.

There have been instances of confusion in relation to when a parent is required to formalise the complaint as a written complaint. This only arises where there is no resolution at Stage 1 (Discussion), which is designed to facilitate discussions between the parents and the teacher in the first instance, and, if necessary, with the principal and chair of the BoM. Stage 2 (Written) is initiated by a written complaint from the parent to the Chair of the BoM.

How does the Revised PCP issued in December 2023 differ from the original PCP?

Essentially, the updated PCP has been rewritten and reformatted to make it easier to access and understand for all concerned. The previous PCP had 5 Stages. Whereas the procedures are essentially the same, the Revised PCP consists of just 4 Stages with timelines: -

Stage 1 Discussion
1.1 Parent meets with Teacher. If the issue is not resolved, then
1.2 Parent meets with Principal. If the issue is not resolved, then
1.3 Parent meets with Chair of BoM. If the issue is not resolved, then

Stage 2 Written (10 Days)
2.1 Written complaint sent to Chair of BoM
2.2 Chair provides copy of complaint to Teacher
2.3 Chair convenes meeting(s) between Teacher and Parent to resolve matter. If the issue is not resolved, then

Stage 3 Board of Management (20 Days)
3.1 Chair makes a formal report to the BoM
3.2 Complaint concluded. BoM decides
a. Complaint is vexatious/frivolous
b. Complaint has already been investigated by the BoM
c. Complaint should be dealt with through a relevant Circular
d. Complaint has been referred to law
3.3 Proceed to a Hearing. Complaint should be investigated by the BoM

Stage 4 Decision (5 Days)
4.1 Written decision of BoM communicated to Parent and Teacher by Chair
4.2 Complaint concluded as decision of BoM is final

IPPN/NAPD Symposium - Reimagining leadership for effective schools

IPPN and NAPD have collaborated to convene a symposium on education and school leadership in Ireland, entitled “Reimagining leadership for effective schools”. The symposium takes place on Thursday, 11th January, and will be attended by the primary and post-primary education stakeholders.

Renowned Finnish educator Pasi Sahlberg will seek to consider and provoke discussion with regard to education challenges globally, their relevance to the Irish context, the purpose of education and what needs to happen to ensure effective, sustainable school leadership.

The focus of the symposium is aligned with IPPN’s advocacy work on our Sustainable Leadership project. We will report on insights and perspectives that emerge at the symposium in future E-scéalta.

The time for reimagining school leadership has long since arrived. If we don’t grasp this nettle then we are guilty of being bystanders to the undermining of leadership and school effectiveness. We need to either allow school leaders to do the job they signed up to do or, at the very least, we need to establish some consensus around what it is that we want school leaders to be doing. That consensus needs to be established within the wider conversation about what it is we want our system of education to achieve. Hopefully, the symposium will prove to be a starting point for that conversation.

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