Representation made to the Primary Education Forum re STEM grant application process and all further grants to support curriculum implementation

At the Primary Education Forum on the 25th March 2024, IPPN raised the issue on behalf of members regarding grant funding to primary schools under ‘Supports for Curriculum Change’, as part of Forbairt, the DE Annual Statement of Priorities 2024.

“I would like to speak about grant funding to primary schools as part of supports for curriculum implementation. To start with a positive, I’d like to thank the DE for recognising that schools needed additional financial supports this year and issuing the Cost-of-Living Grant to schools in Oct. 2023 and Jan. 2024.

Much discontent has been expressed by our members regarding the STEM grants process in Nov/Dec 2023. A lottery was not listed as a methodology in the Guidelines for this application process, but it was decided to use this to deal with the high number of applicants.

The of the STEM application process was delivered two days before the Christmas holidays, Wednesday 20th December, after school at 4:24 pm and this was considered very bad timing.

532 schools were successful out of a total of 2,700 who applied.

The wellbeing of many Principals was so affected by this process, with many reporting that they had spent hours/days on this application, which required a plan, costings etc.

Over 2,000 schools were shocked and disappointed that they got zero funding while others got 10,000 euro.

Capitation grants issued to schools are used initially to pay utilities, which are ever increasing, and if anything is left, this is then used for resources…I know this so well from my own experience as Principal.

We need resources to teach subjects - STEM, PE, Art - in fact all curriculum subjects to primary-aged children.

We were further disappointed to see similar application processes for grants required for the recent PE-Pilot project Physical Activity in Teaching & Learning. We believe that an application process to seek funding for grants to support curriculum areas is pitting schools against each other, a totally unfair approach to fund resources for subject areas, with some schools receiving no funding at all.

We’d ask the DE to consider a fair and equitable approach going forward. We are asking for funding for all schools, for curricular areas, especially in light of the new curriculum.

Note this is in line with Goal 2 of the Forbairt doc., to ensure equity of opportunity in education…this includes resources and funding. We ask for equally shared grant funding for all schools going forward”.

Louise Tobin, IPPN President

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